These articles are written to support us in life by providing enlightened material to absorb and put into practice. Our well-being is important, and in this article, we will discuss why it's important that we all cultivate and share our light as best as possible.
Can everybody shine or win? I think so. We are at a point in history where we have near complete control over the resources our planet (home) offers us; at the very least, nobody needs to fight to survive.

To offer a visual about teamwork, imagine you and 99 others encounter a 30-foot wall, and on the other side of the wall is a paradise for everyone to enjoy. On the starting side, you and the 99 others are surrounded by pain and suffering. There is no way you could scale the wall alone, and you do not need all 99 people to do it, either. What do you do? To make it more urgent, let's say there is danger approaching. Now what? Or maybe the starting side is your worst life, and the other side is your best, and everyone else's best. What now?
Would you collaborate with a few others to help you get over the wall and then leave them behind once you get to the other side? Or, could all 100 of you (us) work together to scale the wall and, as the first of you reaches the top, turn around to help others up one side and down the other? Would it be possible for all 100 of us to make it to the other side without a single sacrifice?

Helping and supporting each other is the guaranteed way we all win and prosper. The big question, though, is can we see all as one and one as all? I read a quote once that said, “Peace can only come as a natural consequence of Universal Enlightenment.”
It is important for us all to win so that the cycle of pain and suffering is broken. By not getting every person over the wall, part of the pain and suffering left on the other side will carry itself to the side of "paradise," thus slowly transforming the side of paradise back to how things were before the "great climb." Soon, the place of the sanctuary will revert back as if nothing had changed. This can also be thought of as Karma. The energy of shame and guilt of leaving anyone behind purposely would carry over to the other side, infecting the energy of those who managed to make it over the wall. So, the energy would manifest and create a repeating pattern until its pain was felt and processed. Thus, this is the essence of history repeating itself.
The path of enlightenment is the answer to breaking patterns of suffering, and it is always available for the choosing.
The option is and has always been ours to select. And it starts with us.
One of the challenges is that we can not force anyone to do the work, which is a great challenge. However, we can make the biggest difference by doing the work ourselves—doing the work to clear our shadow, shine, and preserve our light with healthy boundaries, thus inspiring others to do the same.
"By helping others, we are helping ourselves. By helping ourselves, we are helping others."
If you're reading this, you are most likely on the path or, at the very least, curious about it. Think of the path as a reawakening of our brightest and innermost light. Imagine the world as a dark, vast room only lit by those who shine. Just like having candles lit when the power goes out at home, the way to brighten the world (our largest home) is to unleash our flame and, through empowering influence, reignite the flames (candles) of others. When enough lights shine, we will reach a critical mass of positive energy, leaving nowhere for the shadows of our humanity to hide. Just like having enough candles lit in a house at night. With enough flames, we can light every corner of any space :)

We win when we all win, and we make it over the wall only when we - all - make it over the wall.