What is it to have peace? Can you recall a time when all of life felt ok and your mind was at rest? Referring to the map of consciousness, we can see peace as the second highest state of mind (consciousness), preceded by enlightenment. So, how do we achieve and maintain peace and the other higher states of our mind?
The first step is to experience peace for a moment, which can be intentionally achieved through meditation. By practicing intentional focus, with enough effort and willingness to face our darkness, inward peace can be discovered. If you have meditated and struggled to find the experience of peace, it could be because of the obstacles (shadows) that need to be addressed or bypassed for you to tune into the higher frequencies of your consciousness, like tuning into a higher frequency band radio station. Working through our obstacles will allow us to tap into our higher frequencies. This is accomplished by acknowledging and addressing our shadows. As we illuminate our darkness, we dissolve our shadows and gain the power to maintain peace of mind.
What are these "obstacles" that obstruct our path toward peace? They are our triggers, traumas, emotional wounds, judgments, and thoughts. These are the mental obstacles that pull on and keep our minds in survival mode, aka lower frequencies of consciousness. We have two options when dealing with our mental obstacles; we can either cope with them or heal (release) them. Our default is to cope, and it happens automatically. Our more profound ability is to release them and, in doing so, free our minds from their burden. Peace is our natural state when our mind is free. Shame, anger, fear, apathy, pride, guilt, grief, and pride are the natural bars of our cages when our minds are in prison.
Happiness and peace are two states our authentic selves enjoy, yet they can be challenging to reach and maintain. Perhaps it's because we're searching outside of ourselves for these experiences. Happiness and peace will never be found outside of us because these states of being are always already within us. This is why true happiness can never be taken away. When we are consciously aware enough to choose to be happy, so will it be. All that must be accomplished is to be fully aware of the present moment with all of our psyche and being.
Peace naturally occurs the moment we fully accept reality and ourselves in the present moment. As a reminder, thought distances us from the present and any distance from the present creates an equal resistance pulling us away from our peace of mind (our sanity).
The obstacles in this matter are ourselves, our fear, and our ego. This is not to say the ego needs to be permanently removed because that's most likely not going to happen. It is to say that we need to be able to see that our ego is not our true self. Once we realize that our ego is merely the popular opinion we have formed about ourselves and not actually our authentic selves, we unlock the chains of our imprisonment.